Ease Your Mind
A Free Introductory Course to Your Human Design
Let's make it easy to understand.
Whew, that's a lot of shapes, colors, numbers, and words that are difficult to understand. So much to Google.
Once you get the meanings of your chart, how do they fit together? How is it relevant to your day-to-day life?
Ease Your Mind was created to, well, literally ease your mind about your Human Design. I save you the work of Googling everything in your chart and explaining the foundations.
Without knowing the core of your chart, nothing else makes sense.
This course is 110% free. All you need to do is sign up and dive in. Note: Signing up does subscribe to my newsletter, but you can unsubscribe anytime.
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Manifestors + Authority
Manifesting Generator + Authority
Generator + Authority
Projector + Authority
Reflector + Authority
Digestion & Environment
Bonus: Centers
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